A response to the #ideasofmarch
The lack of blogging about the lack of blogging
Every year, my friend Chris Shiflett writes about an idea called the “Ideas of March.” It’s a call to arms for more blogging as a way to continue spreading great ideas. This year, he’s asked that I participate. Ironically, it’s taken me until the last day of March to actually get around to it.
I love blogging. I’ve been doing it for the last 9 years. When I launched this version of my site, I specifically designed it in a way that allows me to more effectively tie new content with presentation. I’ve been really proud of the results, specifically with posts like “You, the conference organizer” and “The 2012 SuperFriendly Annual Report.”
However, there are a lot of reasons I don’t blog as often as I’d like to. Things that get in the way: time, client work, lack of desire, the insecurity that I don’t have anything valuable to say, and lost more. I’m sure this isn’t exclusive to me.
I use Notational Velocity to keep track of all my ideas. One of those particular notes is a list I’ve been keeping for a few years when a potential blog topic pops into my head. As a complete cop-out, I’m publishing my list of topics, unfiltered and unedited. Some are ridiculous, others are outdated or already meticulously covered elsewhere, and I’m excitedly hoping to get to the rest someday.
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